McLan Photovoltaic Modules are based on High Efficiency 5 and 6 Inch (Cz) Single Crystal Solar Cells... Cz Technology is the Industry Standard and has been proven in thousands of Applications Worldwide...

Bigger is Better. McLan Panels deliver High Efficiency while providing the Cost Advantages of larger Cells...

These Panels combined with McLan's Innovative Electronics are suitable for a wide range of PV Applications.... Conventional Industrial Systems such as Telecommunications, Navigational Aides and Geophysical will benefit from the High Performance and Ruggedness of the Design... Especially suited for Remote Power Applications... Cost Sensitive Applications such as Rural Electrification (Water pumping, Village Power, Home Lighting Systems, etc.) will appreciate the Extra Value these Modules provide without the need to sacrifice quality or performance...

75 and 120 Watt Panels (5" and 6" Cells)
